(Art and Culture School)

Sabtu, 14 November 2009

Sekilas Cerita dari Saung Angklung Udjo

Malam ini, saya dan teman saya menonton pertunjukan drama di Saung Angklung Udjo.

Seru sekali ceritanya mengenai KAMPUNG NAGA


Grow to be Sundanese cultural district, particularly the culture of bamboo, which fulfills the world with its reputation and become the main tourism destination in Indonesia.


To conserve and preserve Sundanese culture considered basing the philosophy of Mang Udjo, which are : mutual assistance (gotong–royong) among the community and perpetually sustaining the environment.

Contact Us

For further information please contact:
Saung Angklung Udjo
Jl. Padasuka 118 Bandung 40192 West Java – Indonesia
Phone +62 22 727 1714, +622 22 710 1736
Fax +62 22 720 1587
Email : info@angklung-udjo.co.id , www.angklung-udjo.co.id

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Musik dan Kita

Langkah Taktis Sederhana


5 Tahun ke-Depan

Tahun Ke-1

Peningkatan Skill Individu, para Anggota

Tahun Ke-2

Mempelajari Kurikulum Musik

Tahun Ke-3

Menggabungkan Musik Tradisional

Tahun Ke-4

Mempunyai Alat-Alat Musik Sendiri

Tahun Ke-5

Berdirinya Pusat Konsultasi Manajemen Musik

Musik adalah bunyi yang diterima oleh individu dan berbeda-beda berdasarkan sejarah, lokasi, budaya dan selera seseorang. Definisi sejati tentang musik juga bermacam-macam:

  • Bunyi/kesan terhadap sesuatu yang ditangkap oleh indera pendengar
  • Suatu karya seni dengan segenap unsur pokok dan pendukungnya.
  • Segala bunyi yang dihasilkan secara sengaja oleh seseorang atau kumpulan dan disajikan sebagai musik

Beberapa orang menganggap musik tidak berwujud sama sekali.

Musik menurut Aristoteles mempunyai kemampuan mendamaikan hati yang gundah, mempunyai terapi rekreatif dan menumbuhkan jiwa patriotisme.

Aspek-aspek musik

Musik adalah bunyi yang diterima oleh individu dan berbeda-beda berdasarkan sejarah, lokasi, budaya dan selera seseorang.

Definisi sejati tentang musik juga bermacam-macam: -Bunyi yang dianggap enak oleh pendengarnya -Segala bunyi yang dihasilkan secara sengaja oleh seseorang atau kumpulan dan disajikan sebagai musik.

Beberapa orang menganggap musik tidak berwujud sama sekali.

Alat-alat musik

Alat musik yang tradisional

Aliran-aliran musik

Berikut adalah daftar aliran/genre utama dalam musik. Masing-masing genre terbagi lagi menjadi beberapa sub-genre. Pengkategorian musik seperti ini, meskipun terkadang merupakan hal yang subjektif, namun merupakan salah satu ilmu yang dipelajari dan ditetapkan oleh para ahli musik dunia.

Dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir, dunia musik mengalami banyak perkembangan. Banyak jenis musik baru yang lahir dan berkembang. Contohnya musik triphop yang merupakan perpaduan antara beat-beat elektronik dengan musik pop yang ringan dan enak didengar. Contoh musisi yang mengusung jenis musik ini adalah Frou Frou, Sneaker Pimps dan Lamb. Ada juga hip-hop rock yang diusung oleh Linkin Park. Belum lagi dance rock dan neo wave rock yang kini sedang in. banyak kelompok musik baru yang berkibar dengan jenis musik ini, antara lain Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party, The Killers, The Bravery dan masih banyak lagi.

Bahkan sekarang banyak pula grup musik yang mengusung lagu berbahasa daerah dengan irama musik rock, jazz dan blues. Grup musik yang membawa aliran baru ini di Indonesia sudah cukup banyak salah satunya adalah Funk de Java yang mengusung lagu berbahasa Jawa dalam musik rock.

Lihat pula


Minggu, 20 September 2009

Music Composition

As taught in: Fall 2008

Excerpt of percussion solo score, including notation for various instruments and techniques.

Excerpt from the score for student composition Limit One Per Cussion by Joy Perkinson. See the projects page for the complete score, and additional scores and recordings of student compositions. (Image courtesy of Joy Perkinson. Used with permission.)


Undergraduate / Graduate


Prof. Peter Child

Course Features

Course Description

This course features directed composition of larger forms of original writing involving voices and/or instruments. It includes a weekly seminar in composition for the presentation and discussion of work in progress. Students are expected to produce at least one substantive work, performed in public, by the end of the term. Contemporary compositions and major works from 20th-century music literature are studied.

Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Pupuh Dangdanggula


(Ngagambarkeun katengtreman, kawaasan, kaagungan, kagumbiraan)


Dinten ieu estu bingah ati,

ku jalaran panceg milang kala,

kenging kurnia ti Alloh,

rehing nambahan taun,

tepung taun umur sim abdi,

henteu weleh neneda,

ka Gusti Nu Agung,

malar umur teh mangpaat,

tebih bahla turta pinarinan rijki,

sumujud ka Pangeran.

Download Pupuh Dandangula.MP3

Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Musical Analysis

As taught in: Spring 2008

Image of analysis mm. 5-6.

An excerpt from a bass reduction analysis of J. S. Bach's Chorale Prelude in C Minor, "Jesu meine Freude." (See this and other analysis examples by Prof. Peter Child on the study materials page.)




Prof. Peter Child

Course Features

Course Description

This class is an introduction to the analysis of tonal music. Students develop analytical techniques based upon concepts learned in 21M.301-21M.302. Students study rhythm and form, harmony, line and motivic relationships at local and large scale levels of musical structure. Three papers (totaling 20 pages, one to be revised) and one oral presentation are required.

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Introduction to Music Composition

As taught in: Fall 2009

Photo of trumpet playing a graphic score, taped to the wall.

Graphic scores are one of many composition techniques covered in this course. (Photo courtesy of brainflakes.org on Flickr.)




Prof. Keeril Makan

Course Features

Course Description

Through a progressive series of composition projects, students investigate the sonic organization of musical works and performances, focusing on fundamental questions of unity and variety. Aesthetic issues are considered in the pragmatic context of the instructions that composers provide to achieve a desired musical result, whether these instructions are notated in prose, as graphic images, or in symbolic notation. No formal training is required; this version of the class is a general elective suitable for a relatively large-enrollment class. Weekly listening, reading, and composition assignments draw on a broad range of musical styles and intellectual traditions, from various cultures and historical periods.

Technical Requirements

Special software is required to use some of the files in this course: .aif and .zip.

Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

Developing Musical Structures

As taught in: Fall 2002

Screen shot of the Impromptu interface displaying a rendering of the theme to 'The Lone Ranger'.

Screen shot of the interface of Impromptu software displaying the theme to "The Lone Ranger." (Image © Oxford University Press.)




Prof. Jeanne Bamberger

Course Highlights

This course features projects which are completed using the computer music authoring environment Impromptu. An open-source version of Impromptu is available in the tools section of this site.

Course Description

The goal of this class is practical: to interrogate, make explicit, and thus to develop the powerful musical intuitions that are at work as you make sense of the music all around you. Reflecting, we will ask how this knowledge develops in ordinary and extraordinary ways.

Technical Requirements

Special software is required to use some of the files in this course: .midi.

*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.

Senin, 20 April 2009

Introduction to World Music

As taught in: Fall 2006

Closeup of two hands plucking kora strings.

The kora is a 21-string harp-lute used extensively by Mandigo peoples in West Africa. (Photo courtesy of Premasagar Rose. Used with permission.)




Prof. George Ruckert

Course Description

This course explores the ways that music is both shaped by and gives shape to the cultural settings in which it is performed, through studying selected musical traditions from around the world. Specific case studies will be examined closely through listening, analysis, and hands-on instruction. The syllabus centers around weekly listening assignments and readings from a textbook with CDs, supplemented by hands-on workshops, lecture/demonstrations and concerts by master musicians from around the world.

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Fundamentals of Music

As taught in: Spring 2007

Drawing of people of all ages enjoying playing music.

Music is for everyone! (Courtesy of Tilke Judd. Used with permission.)




Ms. Pamela Wood

Course Description

This class introduces students to the rudiments of Western music through oral, aural, and written practice utilizing rhythm, melody, intervals, scales, chords, and musical notation. The approach is based upon the inclusive Kodály philosophy of music education. Individual skills are addressed through a variety of means, emphasizing singing and keyboard practice in the required piano labs.

Minggu, 01 Februari 2009

Music and Theater Arts

Music and Theater Arts

Department of Music and Theater Arts

Department of Music and Theater Arts

At MIT, the arts are widely practiced, performed, and celebrated - in corridors and classrooms, on stage and in the studio.

Hundreds of exhibitions, performances, and readings enliven MIT's campus annually, enhancing and enriching campus life while drawing tens of thousands of visitors from throughout the region.

Between 60 and 70 percent of incoming freshmen come to MIT with strong interests and involvement in the arts. Many pursue their artistic interests through participation in MIT's Music and Theater Arts Section, which provides numerous opportunities for students to develop artistically and intellectually.


MIT's Music Program provides a challenging, rewarding undergraduate musical education for students at every level of preparation and talent. The music faculty includes internationally known composers and performers, and students may choose from a wide variety of offerings in performance, theory/analysis/composition, and music history/literature.

MIT students can major, double major, minor or concentrate in music. In addition to individual and class study in traditional and experimental music, students may participate in many performance groups directed by members of the faculty. These include the MIT Symphony and String Chamber Orchestras, Wind Ensemble, Festival Jazz Ensemble, Chamber Music Society, Concert Choir, Chamber Chorus, Gamelan Galak-Tika and the Senegalese performing ensemble, RAMBAX MIT.

Theater Arts

Through MIT's Theater Arts Program, students explore diverse theatrical forms and practices, from the scripted play to actor-created theater, from musical theater to the theater of identity politics. Courses range from playwriting to directing to set design, always reflecting a commitment to diverse aesthetics. Students participate in numerous curricular and extracurricular ensembles ranging from the curricular Dramashop to the extracurricular improv comedy troupe, Roadkill Buffet.

The Program welcomes students' unique cultural and individual perspectives in a collaborative environment that encourages inquiry as the cornerstone of both personal and artistic growth. Together, MIT Theater's faculty and students work together in search of expression, depth and mastery in the art of theater.

Department of Music and Theater Arts links

Visit the MIT Music home page at:

Visit the MIT Theater Arts home page at:

Review the MIT Department of History curriculum at:

Updated within the past 180 days

MIT Course #Course TitleTerm

21M.011Introduction to Western MusicSpring 2006

21M.030Introduction to World MusicFall 2006

21M.051Fundamentals of MusicSpring 2007

21M.065Introduction to Musical CompositionFall 2005

21M.113Developing Musical StructuresFall 2002

21M.220Early MusicSpring 2007

21M.223JIntroduction to Anglo-American Folk MusicFall 2005

21M.250Schubert to DebussyFall 2006

21M.262Modern Music: 1900-1960Fall 2006

21M.263Music Since 1960Spring 2006

21M.271Symphony and ConcertoSpring 2007

21M.291Music of IndiaSpring 2007

21M.293Music of AfricaFall 2005

21M.294Popular Musics of the WorldSpring 2005

21M.301Harmony and Counterpoint ISpring 2005

21M.302Harmony and Counterpoint IISpring 2005
21M.350Musical AnalysisSpring 2008
21M.361Composing with Computers I (Electronic Music Composition)Spring 2008

21M.410Vocal Repertoire and Performance: African American ComposersSpring 2005

21M.410Vocal Repertoire and Performance: Women ComposersSpring 2007

21M.515Vocal Repertoire and Performance: Women ComposersSpring 2007

21M.603Principles of DesignFall 2005

21M.604Playwriting ISpring 2005

21M.606Introduction to StagecraftSpring 2003

21M.616Learning from the Past: Drama, Science, PerformanceSpring 2007
21M.621Theater and Cultural Diversity in the U.S.Spring 2008
21M.670Traditions in American Concert Dance: Gender and AutobiographySpring 2008

21M.675Dance Theory and CompositionFall 2003

21M.710Script AnalysisFall 2005

21M.714Studies in Drama: Theater and Science in a Time of WarSpring 2005

21M.732Costume Design for the TheaterFall 2004

21M.733Design for the Theater: ScenerySpring 2005

21M.734Design for the Theater: ScenerySpring 2005

21M.734Lighting Design for the TheatreFall 2003

21M.735Technical Design: Scenery, Mechanisms, and Special EffectsSpring 2004

21M.775Hip HopFall 2007

21M.785Playwrights' WorkshopSpring 2007

21M.873Theater Arts TopicsFall 2004
21M.873Theater Arts Topics - SuburbiaJanuary (IAP) 2008
^ Back to top

Updated within the past 180 days

MIT Course #Course TitleTerm

21M.410Vocal Repertoire and Performance: African American ComposersSpring 2005

21M.410Vocal Repertoire and Performance: Women ComposersSpring 2007

21M.515Vocal Repertoire and Performance: Women ComposersSpring 2007

21M.785Playwrights' WorkshopSpring 2007

